Наша коллекция симпатичных кастомных курсоров огромна, в настоящее время она состоит из 10514 красивых курсор паков. За прошедшие годы мы получили от вас много вопросов о том, сколько раз был загружен каждый из симпатичных курсоров. Вот почему мы решили предоставить вам инструмент, который может показать вам самые загружаемые курсоры за все время из нашей коллекции курсоров.
Billie Eilish is the future. She is a well known American pop singer and songwriter, and she has become one of the most streamed artists on the planet.
The most favorite creatures to cut from paper are bats and black cats. Luckily for you, there is no need to make it on your own and spend your time - you can have them ready in our specially made Moon Bats and Cat Paper Cut cursor pack.
What a sweet CATastrophe! The cutie in our fanart Kleptocats Tori cursor pack is a fluffy calico cat with a patch of orange fur on the left side of her face and a black patch on the right. She also features dark brown eyes and two dark grey whiskers.
Bluestone has been used as a landscaping material for ages. With its earth tones and natural look, bluestone has been designers’ first choice. It is a long-lasting and durable material. So now you can imagine how long this Blue Stone Wall cursor can last.
What about looking into the depth of ocean life in our colorful Ocean Paper Cut cursor pack? You can see the wildlife of the water element in your eyes, how sea animals and fishes live together and maybe even join them.
The whole life is a painting, while you are a Colorful Drops cursor pack in this picture. If you are tired of monotonous cursors for your mouse or want to add more colors to your daily routine - our Colorful Drops cursor is here to help you.
Looks like this hand was taken from Renaissance period. And plants make this picture more natural and graceful, where everything seems to be perfect. Just like your mouse would be with this starter cursor pack with Elegant Plant and Hand.
Фиолетовый эклер и бодрящий кофе в коричневом стакане - это отличная пара для потрясающе вкусного завтрака. Милый курсор для мыши Cute Coffee and Eclair!
It looks like Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer got lost in our green starter cursor pack in the winter forest. We have been cutting this beautiful picture of this animal in the charming winter forest for a while to make you happy on New Year's Eve.
Какой-то самозванец уничтожил оранжевого персонажа, и теперь он мертв. Почему оранжевый? Потому что оранжевый - один из основных цветов в «Среди нас», который игрок может настроить. Прикольный игровой движок Among Us Orange Character и Dead Body!
San Francisco city of style disco. What about getting on 30 years back to the era of disco style with its famous disco balls? By the way, a disco ball is also called a mirror ball or glitter ball. Starter cursor pack with purple Disco Ball and Disco Cube.
Look at these soft, cute, fluffy red and pink hearts which can your starter cursor pack all the time. It's fascinating how such simple cursors can be so astonishing and cute. So don't waste your time and set fluffy red and pink hearts cursor.
Something is actual and trending, something is not, and something is eternal. In our opinion, geometric shapes would be always popular - in furniture or nail design, architecture, and especially in our fanart Starter cursor pack with blue geometric stars.
The thing you see in our Radar cursor pack is a radiolocation system that uses radio waves to determine the distance, angle, and radial velocity of objects relative to the site. The term RADAR is an acronym for radio detection and ranging.
Well, we know that a lot of people don't like geometry and mathematics at all, but here you don't have to count something and just look at this fascinating blue geometric shapes. This sharp wave is unique and made for you as Geometric Wave cursor pack.
What moves and forms! If you got tired of the normal cursors or some with anime and cartoon characters, we have a new cursor pack with Red Color Transition. So don't waste your time and get our unique and unrepeatable Red Color Transition starter pointer.
Cделайте персонажа желтым, наденьте скин и шляпу зимнего снаряжения и купите собаку! Игровой Among Us курсор мыши Yellow Character in Winter Gear and Dog!
We made this colorful 3D Plasticine cursor pack from a putty-like modeling material made from calcium salts, petroleum jelly, and aliphatic acids. Plasticine is used for children's play and as a modeling medium for more formal or permanent structures.
This craft project is great for family, classroom, or group craft time, especially during Valentine's Day. Are you ready for paper crafting? If not, then just add this starter cursor pack with Hearts Paper Cut cursor and make your life easier.
If you have a lighter with this kind of fluid bubbles near your bed, then we have a nice starter cursor pack for you with fluid bubbles of different colors. So better hurry up to make your days brighter with our Fluid Bubbles fanart cursor.
Мью - это розовый мифический покемон психического типа, который эволюционирует в бело-фиолетового легендарного покемона Мьюту. Мультяшный Pokemon курсор для мыши Mew and Mewtwo!
This illustration with moon and stars would be perfect for your mouse as a Starter cursor pack with Night Sky Paper Cut cursor. This way you can imagine yourself being in a planetarium and seeing all of these moons, and stars on the deep blue background.
Somebody just had to put Pusheen in a festive holiday sweater. She doesn't seem to like that idea. Pusheen and Ugly Holiday Sweater cursor from our Pusheen cursor collection.
If you are tired of the usual routine and want something extraordinary in front of you all the time - this Starter cursor pack with Bright Glow cursor totally fits your desire. This cursor is good for any mood or state of mind.
A divination card is a type of item that can be collected to exchange for a reward. It features the Illuminati, a secret society. Do you want to play with us in a game Divination Card and Magic Circle cursor pack?
Infrared radiation sometimes referred to simply as infrared, is a part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, which is invisible to the human eye. With our starter pack with an Infrared Radiation cursor, you can scan everything through the net.
Make your wish, a star is burning! In reality, it looks fantastic and very fast, that your eyes can't even catch it. But for your goodness, we made it, we caught it, and delivered it right to you like a simple starter cursor pack with fanart burning star.
If you got tired of everything natural like flowers, animals, bubbles, or characters from pop culture, we want to offer you something completely new and extravagant. Welcome starter cursor pack with fanart abstract threads cursor.
You have seen a lot of pictures of the real moon and sun, but for sure you never have seen our big star and Earth's satellite this way. And our other mission is to create something like a starter cursor pack with abstract red Sun and blue Moon cursor.
Don't worry, there is no need to clean that after a celebration or party. The beauty of our Red Confetti cursor pack is that you won't have any problems with these small pieces or streamers of paper, mylar, or metallic material, thrown at celebrations.
It is one of the most popular food types and flavors in the world, and many foodstuffs involve chocolate, especially desserts like cakes, pudding, mousse, brownies, and chip cookies. Can you imagine how tasty this Bitten Chocolate cursor pack is?
Are you tired of a standard white cursor and pointer on your PC? Our Play And Stop Button Glitch cursor is designed to solve this problem. You can use this cursor to navigate your computer just like any other, but it will add a unique and creative touch.
For your information, the blue ribbon is a symbol of high quality, which means this starter cursor pack is of high grade. Starter cursor pack with fanart blue ribbon as your prize for everything you have done.
Невероятный праздник Рождество богат своими традициями и разнообразными подарками. Рождественская нарядная елка и красивый подарок, который дарит любовь, в виде милого курсора и праздничного указателя для мыши Cute Christmas Tree and Gift!
Throughout history, you could see this glass on the windows of churches. Whether you are curious how our Stained Glass Hearts cursor was made - it has been colored by adding metallic salts during its manufacture, further decorating it in various ways.
As you know, the napkin is an important attribute of every festive table, especially on Thanksgiving Day. That's why we decided to create this blue and purple lace napkins cursor, which would bring a beautiful, elegant, and vintage feel.
This piece of art looks like a mirror dimension from Doctor Strange movie. But our Cubism cursor pack is an art that emerged in the early 20th century, primarily associated with artists Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Juan Gris.
If you thought at first that it's kind of a spring, then you were wrong, because it's a springing green snake you can see in usual nature which is outside. This is a rough green snake is a non-venomous snake. Starter cursor pack fanart Springing Snake.
We took your fingerprints during the night to make our Fingerprint cursor pack. Human fingerprints are detailed, unique, difficult to change, and durable over the person's life, making them suitable as long-term markers of human identity.
Смотрите, это же красное мертвое тело персонажа из игры Среди Нас! Если вы член Экипажа, вы должны нажать кнопку Репорт на экране и сообщить о находке тела. Игровой курсор для мыши Among Us Red Dead Body and Report!
Среди нас - многопользовательская видеоигра от Inner Sloth. Сегодня это хит сезона идеальный для игры с друзьями. Вы можете выбрать синий скин и корону и быть уникальным и крутым, как наш пользовательский курсор среди нас синий персонаж в короне !
Cute happy smiling coffee pot and tasty donut, what can be better to start your day. Cute Coffee Pot and Donut cursor from our Cute Cursors collection.
Do you like to read comics about heroic people with extraordinary or superhuman abilities? We also enjoy them, and our favorite moment in such comics is the fight scene, where you can see the battle on the monotonous background like in a starter cursor.
The Space Hand and Butterfly custom cursor combines celestial beauty with elegance, featuring a mesmerizing purple-blue gradient and stunning white outlines. Elevate your desktop with the enchanting Space Hand and Butterfly custom cursor.
OMG, an unexpected error or malfunction in a system resulted in unintended outcomes such as this Glitch Emoticon cursor pack. But don't worry - that was made on purpose to create this unique Starter cursor.
One of the main characters of the anime series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, cowardly Zenitsu Agatsuma and his Nichirin Blade sword in a custom cursor pack.
A rainbow is stated to be a meteorological phenomenon caused by reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets. But we decided to make an unusual one, which would be soft, flexible, and more interesting than our Soft Rainbow cursor.
As you might probably know, after cutting something from materials, you always have leftovers. We decided to not throw it away, but instead, we chose to put it together and make something more fascinating like a starter cursor pack with cutting circles.
Do you want to see something unusual and fascinating in front of you as your custom cursor for a mouse? We have good news for you - we have created a unique and minimalistic Colorful Shapes cursor pack for this occasion.
Удивительный мир Гамбола - это невероятно крутой анимационный сериал от Cartoon Network, где в главных ролях котёнок голубого цвета Гамбол и оранжевая рыбка с руками и ногами Дарвин. Крутой мультяшный курсор для мыши The Amazing World of Gumball!
The 1970s are famous for bell bottoms and the rise of disco, but it was also an era of economic struggle, cultural change, and technological innovation. The style you see in our 70s Patterns cursor pack was rather popular during this era.
What a beautiful picture in our Easter Bunny in Forest Paper Cut cursor pack! This paper cut of an Easter bunny in a forest depicts a scene of the cute bunnies hopping among trees, bushes, and flowers in a wooded area.
We found the monsters which were hiding under your bed. So from now, you can sleep better. And you would sleep even better if you would keep these green and orange fluffy monsters as your starter cursor pack.
A Christmas styled character from Lilo and Stitch - one of Disney fans' favorite movies. Lilo & Stitch Christmas Stitch cursor from our Disney Cartoons cursor collection.
Our Starter cursor pack with Sand Dune pointer features a hill of sand made by the wind on the coast or in a desert. To understand the nature of sand dunes you need a basic knowledge of their sands, the winds, and how these main elements work together.
Our Red and Black Embroidery cursor pack represents a unique type of decorative needlework that involves decorating fabric or other materials with thread, yarn, or other fibers. It has a long history and is practiced in many cultures around the globe.
In this Green Leaf Smile cursor, everything is perfect. There is a green leaf with a happy smile. The leaf is bright green, with smiles instead of veins running throughout its surface - it makes the leaf look friendly and welcoming.
In every cat there lives a wild beast, whose wild call can be satisfied only with a sweet, fresh donut. Custom cursor with a Pusheen cat enjoying a delicious pink donut.
Looking at this Yellow Smile cursor pack, there is an extreme desire to give an upbeat mood to everyone you meet. This yellow cursor with a smile is a simple but effective way to add personality and charm to your mouse cursor.
Do you have a bad day? Can't sleep, eat, or breathe? That's probably because you feel lonely and need a smile or hug to warm you up. That's the primary purpose of our Pink Arrow Smile cursor pack - to be your friend and cheer you up with its smile.
iPhone 11 - это смартфон Apple, представленный 10 сентября 2019 года. Визуальное отличие от других iPhone заключается в цветовой схеме, количестве камер и размере. Современный курсор мыши Apple iPhone 11!
Бразильский Танец с Собакой - популярное видео, на котором бразильский мальчик танцует с бездомной собакой. Ролик был загружен в Интернет 5 февраля 2016 года и сразу же завоевал популярность благодаря характеру. Забавный мем-движок Brazil Dog Dance Meme.
Isn't it a great day to share a smile with your friends? This Blue Rocket Smile cursor thinks the same way about this. Add a smile to everything you wear, and it will work great for you because smiles are always in fashion!
This deep blue starter cursor, decorated with colorful twinkling lights, embodies the festive spirit and enhances the mood on any occasion. This Colorful Twinkling Lights custom cursor can bring endless charm to your every click.
Yin and Yang, an ancient Chinese philosophical concept, represents the dual nature of all things in the universe. For those who appreciate the profound symbolism of Yin and Yang, a custom cursor featuring this iconic symbol.
Everything that Super Pusheenicorn flies over acquires the colors of joy and magic. An adorable white unicorn with a pink mane performed by a cute Pusheen cat for your custom cursor.
A chocolate chip cookie is a famous and beloved baked treat. While the classic chocolate chip cookie is precious, many variations and adaptations of thick cookies exist. One of them is our Chocolate Chip Cookie cursor pack.
Embrace the serenity of a moonlit night with a custom cursor featuring an artful depiction of a moon on a cloudy sky. For those who love celestial beauty and artistic designs, a custom cursor with a moon on a cloudy sky offers a unique and elegant touch.