
Pumpkin Panic Player Cursor

Pumpkin Panic is an intriguing game that captivates players with its unique setting and enigmatic protagonist. The player’s main objective is to farm, grow, and sell enough to buy four gears to fix a boat and escape the mysterious forest they’re seemingly trapped in. The player character in Pumpkin Panic is a curious figure with a simplistic smiling pumpkin for a head, dressed in a large, hooded cloak. This pumpkin-headed character’s origins and true appearance remain shrouded in mystery. The player’s abilities include planting, watering, running, and selling sticks, weeds, and colorful coins, all essential tasks for progress in the game. Despite the menacing entities lurking in the forest, the player remains calm and collected, showing remarkable patience in the face of adversity. For fans of Pumpkin Panic, a fanart game cursor featuring the player character is a great way to bring a piece of the game’s eerie charm to their screen.

Pumpkin Panic Player Cursor
Pumpkin Panic Player Lantern Orange Pointer

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